01 – Introduction

The First Line of Defence

The promises of fame and fortune from taking some pills turning impressionable heads. There are a multitude of long-term health risks, including premature death. 

Athletes have never been more at risk from the dangers of doping. Fortunately, with athletes significantly influenced by their coaches and parents, we can proactively form the first line of defence against PEDs.

Supplements are often a gateway to PEDs. They are also incredibly susceptible to contamination. If your athlete truly requires supplementation, ensure you consult a registered dietician, and conduct thorough research via the links provide.

Before your child/athlete takes any supplement or medication, check the ingredients and quality assurances website.

Is it legal?


Is it quality assured?


Does it contain the dosages claimed?



You are arguably the strongest tool at the IOC’s disposal. Doping practices are linked to moral values, general beliefs about doping, and the athletic situation that the athlete is in (such as going through a phase of injury). The way in which an athlete appraises these things is intrinsically linked with the behaviours and beliefs of those most important in their life – namely their coaches, peers, and parents. Therefore, through the education you have received, you can have a key positive impact on the anti-doping intentions of your adolescent athlete

What should you do as a coach or parent? Play the audio to find out

02 - Maximising the environment »